We dropped the dogs at my moms and I threw on my sporty spice travel clothes and hit the road. Loved my new kicks ;)
The grounds were stunning and we would even like to stay here next time I think. They turned it into a lovely resort and the weather could not have been better.
We contined to drive a long river road.
The Mississippi is so much larger than you think and I can't help but picture it 200 years ago and imagine how people tried to cross it.
Then we came to one of the most beautiful sites I have seen this close to home.
Oak Alley it is majestic I have no better word. A truely amazing site. (read more about it here)
Look at those trees to think of all they have seen and survived. I really wanted to get my blanket out of the car and nap under them for hours and one day I think I will ;)
As you stood there the river behind you facing the house the trees did just as intended... You felt a wonderfully cool breeze off the river heading to the house.
It is such a beatifiul place you almost forget that it was the site and cause of so much horrible American history and reminds me that beauty is most often deceiving. I love and appreciate history and I think it makes us better people to understand and acknowledge the past good and bad. It also makes me very greatful for who I am and all my blessings I have today.
Anyway sorry for the rant ;) this ended up a reflective vacation maybe because it was my birthday and I am getting older...
So we pressed on to NO
There was a birthday gift to greet us...my favorite kind.
The bed was huge and the view was perfect.
We laid around the room sipping champagne, looking over the courtyard and listening to the bustle of the city. So far it was looking like NOLA and I were going to be best of friends...
Part 2 coming later this week.