It was a keep it real one from almost college days. Well it finally broke and was basically balanceing against the wall for a couple weeks...classy!
I am a big fan of a manly nightstand on his side and a super feminine one on my side. I really love those mirrored ones you see everywhere but my budget wouldn't I went on the hunt. I wanted to keep it under 80 bucks. I also wanted it to be bigger and to have some extra storage.
I found this...
Half off at World Market ...yay!
But I wanted it to have a little more glam and be just a touch more feminine for my side ;) so here we go...
I got a stencil and some paint and went to work. (Stencil from Michaels
I also removed the handle and sprayed it metallic for a little more bling.
I painted the sides for a little something extra. This part was tricky and I only had metallic spray paint so I sprayed it into a plastic dish that way I could paint it on. (spraying it on would have been way too messy)
Had to go fast it dried quickly.
Ta Da....a little more fancy!
Some detail shots...
And here she is all dressed up and settled in her new home.
Lets see the before again...
Much better!
Still not sure how I want the bottom. I have all this new space and nothing to fill it with. I am a one in, one out kind of person so I will have to find something.
I would also like some kind of cute old clock for her. It was a fun redo and in budget and it looks more green in these pictures but its really more blue gray. I love it and love the extra space own little fancy side of the bed.
One more at night
Happy Monday!
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