It is delicious and easy to make for the most part especially if you have a mixer.
It's my moms recipe and I have tried others but they just don't compare.
It calls for butter milk but if you don't have any just use regular milk and squeeze a little lemon in it and let it sit while you start.
Get your mixer her ;)
Bananas the darker and softer the better ...eeww.
First combine sugar and crisco.
Yup I said crisco...I know using it is frowned upon these days but if you want the good stuff it has to be done!
Cream them together
Scrape sides
Add eggs
Seperatly mix dry ingredients
Then alternate dry ingredients with buttermilk into the mixer.
Next mash up bananas
Mash good
Pour in
Add vanilla (my fav)
Then mash nuts...I use walnuts or pecans what ever I have handy.
Mix in.
Spray your bread pan and fill about 3/4 the way full if you have extra you can make a couple muffins. Don't over fill it will not cook all the way through.
Nice and light.
Bake at 350 for an hour or until the top pops back when you lightly push on it.
Muffins will take less time about 15 min
Let cool then serve while still warm in middle :)
Hope you enjoy!